Thursday, 11 December 2014

Collaborative Vispo and Asemic Writing - Marie Wintzer/Cheryl Penn (Part 1)

Its ALWAYS good to work together - evidence follows :-)!  This will become part of The Books of Ether series published on Scribd - here's a sneak pre-view. Marie has a touch that is foreign - and familiar to me - this is the essence of true, successful collaboration - no voice is louder than the other, no one style takes dominance - the work just sings together in poetic harmony.  I had made a series of clay books (the plan was big but boredom set in). They languished in a box gathering dust.  Then, Marie stepped into the images - and … they are new, fresh - she created work that would NEVER have existed otherwise.


  1. wow, they look really fab on all the blogs you posted them, Cheryl! Thank you for showing them to the world! It's going to be a great e-book. More importantly, it's a lot of fun working on them. Ah those clay books are just so beautiful and unique...
